Shed, Garage and Cabin Blog

3D Shed Builder – Design The Perfect Storage Shed

3d shed builder brookside montana structures shed

A 3D Shed Builder is a digital tool that allows you to create your own customized storage shed design from scratch. You can customize virtually everything with a 3D Shed Builder like size, color, door style, trim, windows, flooring, interior shelves, and more. A 3D Shed Builder is what you can use on a website to design the exact storage shed that you want.

Small Cabins for Sale

lofted cabins small cabins

Should you buy or DIY? You type “small cabin for sale” into your browser, and you find a shack that looks like it is going to fall over. Nope, not what you are looking for, so you scroll down and…

7 Awesome She Shed Ideas

perfect gardening she shed

She sheds are trending and there are good reasons why. Women also need to retreat sometimes and find some solitude. The modern woman finds this comes with challenges. She needs a place with some privacy so she can focus and…

Cabins for Sale in Montana

father and son cabins for sale in montana with porch

Are You Looking for Cabins for Sale in Montana? With the hunting seasons at hand, you might find yourself thinking about the love of the outdoors and spending time with family. The time you spend bonding and sharing memories… are…

Horse Shelters

Should Horses Have Shelter in the Winter? Horses are hardy animals and can handle weather conditions we cannot. The short answer is yes horses should have shelter, but there is more to think about. In an ideal situation, horses should…

What To Look For In Prebuilt Storage Sheds

outdoor storage sheds 7

Building yourself a storage shed is no small project. First, you have to figure out the design and construction. All the measurements have to be calculated. You will then need all the materials and decide how you will move the materials. Where…