She sheds are trending and there are good reasons why. Women also need to retreat sometimes and find some solitude. The modern woman finds this comes with challenges. She needs a place with some privacy so she can focus and get some work done, or just a place for some solitude and rest.
We’ve listed some purposes for she sheds below. Keep in mind there are a lot of fun ways to personalize any of these ideas. What you need is a shed with nice bones to start with and then you can add all sorts of personal touches. At the bottom, we recommend the Brookside shed if you are in the Montana area. Pinterest has many great ideas for personalizing she sheds.
Reading She Shed
She shed can make a great place to escape with a good book. The ideas of how this might look are endless. Some have gone the extreme minimalist with nothing but a place to sit. While others line their walls with bookshelves and decorate their she shed with everything from their favorite literary period. There is no reason you couldn’t use it for a book club.
Jessie Burton is an author who writes from a she shed. She uses her alone time to read and write, which does not have the distracting challenges she used to face.
Art Studio Shed
She sheds have great potentials as artist’s sheds. Art can get messy and having a place where you can work without inhibition allowing creativity to flow. Kelly Money is a professional artist in New Hope, Pennsylvania who uses a she shed for her studio.

She explains that while she considers being a wife, a mother, and a dog-owner a blessing, they also were challenges for her as a professional artist. She needed a place that would give her the serenity to focus on her paintings. This is how Kelly discovered she shed studio.
Sewing She Shed
Sewing she sheds has become popular! Not everyone has a spare room to use as a sewing room, so turning a she shed into a sewing room offers a nice solution.
Leah Day runs an online quilting business, and she needed more space, so she bought a she shed and turned it into her sewing room. She documents her journey from its delivery through its transformation into a sewing she shed. This is a great resource and would benefit anyone considering doing this.
Leah Day used a lofted shed. Which explained in her first video blog.
Garden She Shed
Here is a wonderful concept: a garden she shed. Imagine going to your garden she shed and gathering your gardening tools and then gathering some produce or flowers from your garden. Imagine preparing your potting soil in your she shed or drying some hanging herbs. Would this be a sort of gardening therapy?
Prayer Shed
Using a she shed as a prayer shed might come as a surprising suggestion. The “prayer closet” has been a trending phrase in the last few years, but the concept of going to a quiet place and praying has been practiced for thousands of years.
There are many different ways you could personalize the prayer shed. The most important thing is that it be a place where you sincerely and humbly seek God. With that in mind, some create a very basic look with only a chair, table/desk, and a light. While others decorate and fully furnish it.
Spa Shed
Yes, a spa in your backyard! This could be a massage table with soft music, and candles. Hire a professional licensed massage therapist and get a discount since they don’t have to bring a massage table every time they come. Everything is already setup. Some massage therapists will give an additional discount if there are multiple back to back sessions. So, invite your girlfriends and everyone will love it.
Really you could start with something as basic as a utility shed. With the right addons and finish touches it could be beautiful retreat.
Credit: Aupetit Paradis
You could decorate this to be warm and relaxing. It would be a great getaway and you can tell your friends you have a “spa” in your backyard.
Her Backyard Office
An office she shed could be perfect for a career woman who simply needs an office to focus on her work. This could help separate her work from her family life, but also help her be close to home.
Sure, there is a little money up front, but then you don’t have reoccurring rent to pay. Plus, this would be your office. Depending on how far you want to take it, you could have electric, internet, bathroom, etc. It may even add resale value to the home.
Start Creating the Perfect She Shed
You just need to start with a shed like the Brookside Shed. This is a prebuilt shed that makes perfect she sheds. It comes with a corner porch 3 feet wide and up to half the length of the shed. This is great for a rocking chair, hanging plants, and etc. This model size ranges from 8 x 12 to 14 x 36.

The other thing to consider is the quality of the shed. You will be investing time and money into it, so you want it built to last. This is another reason for the Brookside shed. The skids (The boards the shed sits on) are treated 4 x 4 and evenly placed to give the support your shed needs. The Primed SmartSide siding has a 50-year warranty on painted sheds. It also comes with 30-year dimensional shingles or a 40-year metal roof.