Once you invest in a shed, you want to ensure its longevity. It’s only normal for us to want good, long-lasting returns on our investments. So how can you do this? Well, the simplest way to improve your shed’s lifespan is to give it a good foundation. Unfortunately, foundations are one of the most overlooked steps of buying a shed. But in reality, shed foundations are the best way to ensure longevity and one of the most important steps in your outdoor storage journey. To help you understand the benefits of shed foundations, and to help you make the right choice for one, we’ll be discussing different foundations, their costs, and whether you need them at all.
Is A Foundation Required For A Shed
The first question you should be asking yourself is, “Do I need a foundation for my shed.” The answer to that is, that most sheds will require a foundation. This question also depends on the size of your shed and the weight of the stuff you’ll be putting inside of it. You can get away without a foundation if you have a smaller shed and don’t plan on housing a lot of heavy items. To be safe, you should check with your HOA or township to get an idea of what is required for your shed.

At What Size Does A Shed Need A Foundation?
Any shed size around 6×6 or 8×8 will not need a shed foundation but this does not mean that it won’t be beneficial for them. Shed foundations can increase the life of your shed as well as prolong its usability. Sheds above 6×6 or 8×8 will require a foundation. Another aspect you should consider when you’re asking yourself if you need a shed foundation is the weight of your shed. If your shed’s weight will exceed 300-500 lbs, it’ll be better to go with a foundation. Don’t just think about the weight of your shed, but the combination of it with your items. If you’re planning to store ATVs, ridable lawn mowers, or any other heavy stuff, a shed foundation will go a long way.

What Is The Best Shed Foundation?
For most people, a crushed stone foundation, otherwise known as a gravel shed foundation is the best option. Because of its design with the crushed stone under your shed, its permeability factor is unmatched. What does this mean? It means that water will easily be able to drain away from your shed, protecting it from any water damage. Because a gravel shed foundation counters water pooling, your shed will be safe from rot or rust. Another benefit to this great shed foundation option is that it’s actually one of the more easier and affordable foundation options. Not only will you be able to support your shed and give it a long life, you will also be saving money compared to other shed foundation options!

Concrete Shed Foundations
There are two scenarios in which you’ll need to choose a concrete shed foundation over other options. One is if you purchase a shed without a built-in floor. The walls of your shed will actually anchor on the concrete pad which will in-turn provide your shed with better stability. The second scenario is if you’ll be having a very heavy weight load in your shed (2000+). To avoid damaging floors and have floors that’ll be extra hardy against scrapes, cracks and anything else, concrete is the best option. Make sure that the concrete pad that you will be placing your shed on is built with the exact same length and width as your shed. This prevents water from pooling around your shed.

Why You Shouldn’t Install A Shed On Shed Foundation Blocks
Shed foundation blocks are one of the worst foundation options, especially with Montana’s northern climate. The freeze and thaw cycle causes the ground to move and increases the risk of the shed settling. Your shed settling could mean that your doors may not open and close properly as they once did. Another negative side effect of foundation blocks is the floor support. Because of the way shed foundation blocks are designed and laid out, you’ll have sagging spots in between the supports causing it to feel bouncy when you step inside your shed. Grass and weeds will also continue to grow up against the building. This creates the possibility of the sides of the shed getting scuffed when weed whacking around it. It doesn’t end there as there is also a good chance of dirt getting splashed up against the shed when it rains. If you’re also someone who is squeamish or doesn’t like little critters, the shed foundation blocks provide no protection against skunks, rock chucks, etc… moving in underneath the shed. We generally recommend to almost everyone to go with a crushed gravel pad, approximately 2’ larger than your building size for shed foundations. This will help mitigate any of the issues described above.

Site Preparation For Sheds In Montana
If you’re ready to move forward with your outdoor storage dream, we can help! Montana Structures is a local, family-owned business that has been supplying outdoor storage solutions to homeowners for over 20 years! We care about your needs first and foremost. That’s why we work with you to create a custom shed that will not only excel in functionality but also in beauty. This doesn’t mean that you have to break the bank to solve your storage problems. We also care about our prices. This means we want to give customers storage solutions that are affordable. Our services don’t stop there. We also offer site preparation and shed foundation services in the Sanders County area in Plains, MT. If you are not in that area but still need help with excavation and site preparation services, we can recommend trustworthy excavation companies that can help you out! Now you know the importance of shed foundations, how to know if you need one, and the best options! Take the next step in your outdoor storage journey today! Also be sure to check out our article on shed insulation or our article on wooden sheds!